By Executive Order: All Your Guns Are Ours

On Friday, March 16th, 2012, President Obama released an Executive Order called, National Defense Resources Preparedness.

The gist of the EO is that America needs to nationalize every resource, whether owned by the government, or not (with a few listed exceptions), all in the name of national defense and emergency preparedness. And, that this preparedness is applicable during Peacetime, as well as during war and emergencies. Obama delegates Presidential Authority to listed members of his cabinet and to czars, who now have the authority to loan, borrow, or take resources as they deem necessary.

Upon re-reading it, my first concern is: Couldn’t guns be considered “resources?” Couldn’t the DHS start buying up guns in mass, using money America doesn’t have, thus limiting the availability of guns to Americans? If so, wouldn’t that be an end-run around the 2nd Amendment? A shortage of guns and ammunition would be a severe infringement of our 2nd Amendment right, and would effectively negate the 2nd Amendment altogether.

Remember when Obama said he wanted a Civilian Security Force that was just as well-funded and powerful as our military? Take a look at this section of the Executive Order:

Sec. 501National Defense Executive Reserve.  (a) In accordance with section 710(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(e), there is established in the executive branch a National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) composed of persons of recognized expertise from various segments of the private sector and from Government (except full time Federal employees) for training for employment in executive positions in the Federal Government in the event of a national defense emergency.

(b)  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue necessary guidance for the NDER program, including appropriate guidance for establishment, recruitment, training, monitoring, and activation of NDER units and shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the NDER program.  The authority of the President under section 710(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(e), to determine periods of national defense emergency is delegated to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(c)  The head of any agency may implement section 501(a) of this order with respect to NDER operations in such agency.

(d)  The head of each agency with an NDER unit may exercise the authority under section 703 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2153, to employ civilian personnel when activating all or a part of its NDER unit.  The exercise of this authority shall be subject to the provisions of sections 501(e) and (f) of this order and shall not be redelegated.

Doesn’t Section 501 of the EO sound suspiciously like the implementation of a Presidential security force? We already have National Guardsmen. What does Obama need with his own private army?

This EO is laying even more groundwork for the establishment of Martial Law under Obama. Watch how the recently passed law preventing protesting near government sites will come into play. It will also be interesting to see how the media spins this EO, once Republican leaders and Tea Party activists start decrying it as a wholly unacceptable power grab.

Much like all of Obama’s previous power grabs, however, I expect the media to dismiss any and all concerns about this one; much like they dismiss every concern about Obama. After all, the Ministry of Truth controls the media now.

Obama’s End-Game: Racial Political Supremacy?

President Barack Hussein Obama is the most dangerous man to ever ascend to the Oval Office. His rhetoric and extra-constitutional actions demonstrate his disdain for our country’s traditions, values, and system of government. His extraordinary deference to Islamic nations has diminished our nation’s influence and has emboldened these enemies to pursue nuclear weapons with which to destroy us. He has alienated our allies and supported our enemies. Those things alone should make it clear to anyone that Obama is anti-American. But, when one scrutinizes his ideological mentors and discovers what they seek to accomplish politically, we begin to truly understand how much of a threat Obama poses to Americans’ freedoms and to the nation’s continuance as a representative republic.

We all consider the rise of Radical Islam to be the greatest threat to America in the early 21st Century. And it is a great threat; one that has infiltrated this Administration, and which is spreading throughout our legal, intelligence, and military institutions. As great as this threat is, however, it would not have gotten as far as it has without the abetting of the Enemy Within: the political operatives who comprise the Progressive Movement.

The Progressive radicals of the Sixties and Seventies, who agitated for the overthrow of the American Government, have since insinuated themselves into every one of our political, educational, and cultural institutions. Today, these radicals hold the highest seats of power in the country. And they are inviting in their fellow travelers from the Middle East.

What has not been clear to us is why they seek to destroy this country, and exactly who comprises their insidious political movements.

We are losing the culture war because we cannot effectively combat an enemy we aren’t willing to clearly identify, much less understand. And why haven’t we been able to identify them? Because until recently, we have been cowed into silence by the effective use of Political Correctness against us. Until we have the courage to fearlessly and unequivocally identify the Enemy Within, we will not be able to effectively communicate the danger this enemy poses to the citizens of our nation. Hampering us is also the fact that Progressives wear the mask of Compassion and the mantle of victim-hood in order to confuse the public. Through misdirection, propaganda, and indoctrination, Progressives have successfully co-opted large segments of society into thinking America itself is not worth preserving.

Progressives previously co-opted the Civil Rights Movement in order to consolidate power within the Democrat Party. They infused Marxist thought into racial grievance-mongering, which led to the development of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Sites have been exposing the proponents of this political concept as part of their vetting of President Obama and his radical associations. As a result, I have gone online to read what I can about this theory. As I did, many questions about race relations in America started to be answered. One of these questions was what did U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder mean when he said, “America is a nation of cowards” in failing to openly discuss the issue of race.”

How can Americans openly discuss issues of race when radicals use Political Correctness to shut down public discourse on the subject? Unless the subject is discussed from the minority’s perspective, that is. If Holder wants to label Americans (more specifically, Whites) cowards, then what responsibility are blacks willing to assume for this state of affairs?

Witness the past five years, as Americans were told they were racists if they didn’t vote for Obama. The fact that he was wholly unqualified for the position, and was intentionally secretive about his background, didn’t matter. To Progressives and the media propagandists who serve them, “it was time.” Time for a black President.

Had someone said the only reason they were voting for a person was because of the color of their skin, I would have thought there would have been cries of “racism!” Instead, all there was was the mantra of “Hope and Change.” Now, years later, famous blacks in entertainment and politics admit that the only reason they voted for Obama was because he was black. And all the while, Progressives have said it is the Tea Party members who are the true racists…

The Tea Party movement, a genuine grass roots movement that protests big government and high taxation, continues to be attacked as being racist because they dare to resist Obama’s Marxist agenda. The Left uses their positions in the media to point to the Tea Party as being exactly what is wrong with America: too white and too angry.

The fact that race relations have dramatically deteriorated since the rise of Obama is not a reflection of America’s inherent racism, as Progressives are claiming. Rather, the recent racial discord is the intended result of tactics employed by Obama and the Progressives to fundamentally transform America into a Socialist society. Before they can do this, however, they must first discredit political opposition, while simultaneously trying to subvert the American Constitution.

The Constitution limits government and protects individual rights and private property. These limits and protections prevent Obama from enacting sweeping redistributive programs that he and other racialists view as being necessary to achieving what they call, Social Justice.

Like the redistributive policies enacted in South Africa after Apartheid, and in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez, Obama seeks to fundamentally change America by confiscating wealth from the Rich and Middle Classes. This would be accomplished through nationalization of companies, confiscation of property, and onerous taxation. That wealth would then be transferred to the Poor through reparationist payments (a la the Pigford Settlements), and, the implementation of social programs (officiated by Progressive government bureaucrats, of course).

If Holder and others in the black community want to have an open and honest discussion about racism, they must first admit that they, too, have the very same propensity for racism as any one else. They claim that it is impossible for blacks to be racist because blacks do not have institutional power. But now, with Obama as President and Holder as Attorney General, and with blacks in office across the land, blacks now ARE the power! And look at what they are doing now that they are at the helm: being just as discriminatory toward whites as they point out whites have been to them.

What happened to whites in South Africa after the end of Apartheid? Was there not violence against them committed by newly empowered blacks? In Africa as a whole, do not blacks oppress other blacks, and commit acts of genocide against each other, in order to attain or retain power? And, why do black leaders in America condemn whites for slavery while not also condemning the blacks who sold other blacks to Dutch and Arab slave-traders to begin with?

Returning to America: Let’s think about all of the cities and states in the country where blacks suffer the most. Are they places that have been controlled by Republicans or by Democrats? The overwhelming majority of places where there are “poor” have been where Progressive policies have held sway. And who have those who suffer this poverty elected year after year to supposedly lead them out of their plight? Not Republicans. Not Conservatives. Progressives.

So, how is it that Progressives are able to get away with foisting the blame for poverty on Republicans? Through despicable propaganda and indoctrination. Which is why CRT must be exposed for the extremist ideology that it is. Because this ideology has infected the minds of people in power, such as Barack Hussein Obama.

What CRT, and its predecessor, Critical Theory (CT), make clear is that its proponents do not believe there will ever be social justice in America so long as the Constitution is in effect, and, as long as Whites (including Jews who possess great wealth and positions of power in this country) control the institutions and systems of power. This explains why the demonization of whites, and antisemitism, are so prevalent in Black Liberation Theology, and in other Progressive ideologies.

Obama has called The Constitution “a flawed document.” Is this because he believes, as his late mentor Derek Bell did, that the Constitution protects the White power structure and prevents true racial equality?  Bell, a Harvard law professor and proponent of CRT, said whites and blacks will never get along. If not, what hope is there for racial harmony and equality?

If the election of Obama as the first black president were truly as historic as activists claimed, why do they still claim America is racist? There are black CEOs, black lawyers, black politicians, black professors, black actors and black sports stars. What more is there for them to expect to achieve?  They wanted equality, and they got it. So why do black race-mongers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Obama continue to shut down public discourse and political disagreement by playing the race card? After all, just as blacks are entitled to equal protection under the law and freedom of speech, so, too, are whites.

Yet, Americans who banded together three years ago to protest Obama’s policies were labeled racists and given the Alinsky treatment. Has not the Equal Rights Movement achieved every one of its stated goals (voting rights, acceptance of inter-racial marriage, legal protections from discrimination, societal equality)? If so, why is there a push all of the sudden for “Social Justice?”

Tea Party activists have been called racist by Jesse Jackson because they are against “Big Government.” Jackson parses his words when he suggests that Big Government is necessary for making things right for blacks and other minorities. Thus, to protest high taxation and redistribution, what one is really protesting is having to make reparations. And THAT, to Jackson, is “racism.”

Many Progressive laws have been enacted that have been intended to level the racial playing field; most notably, Affirmative Action. This has been followed other Progressive anti-discrimination laws that essentially criminalize thought. Hate Crime Laws and Hate Speech Laws, such as the Fairness Doctrine, are ostensibly to protect certain groups from discrimination and offense. Never mind the obvious problem the laws present with simultaneously being able to uphold the First Amendment; what these laws are really trying to do is to provide special protections for minority groups who have become dependent upon Progressive politicians. And what is the inevitable outcome of enacting these special protections? The laws invariably go beyond providing equal protection, and start to impart extra rights and benefits to the designated group members. Consequently, those group members vote to elect Progressives, who then allocate billions of tax dollars to social programs that benefit only those group members.

This is essentially, redistribution of wealth. And it has been going on since FDR established the New Deal. In order to continue this redistribution of wealth, Obama and the Progressives seek to put the nation into so much debt that Americans will have to become tax slaves in order to continue to provide funding for these dependency social programs.

Thus, those who are protected are no longer the  Oppressed Minority, but are now, in terms of political power, the new Political Majority. The once oppressed are now the new oppressors.

So, if America is still a racist nation, why? Whose policies are responsible for perpetuating racism in our political structure? And are not institutionalized poverty and reverse discrimination “racist?”

After reading about CT and CRT, I learned that its adherents do not believe that true racial equality is possible under the current American political and legal systems. Their latest means of enacting their agenda is by stacking the courts with Progressive judges who routinely cite foreign legal laws as the foundations for their rulings. This subverts our legal system. Judicial activism is being used as a weapon against our Constitution.

A few months ago, it  was a shock to hear Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg deride our Constitution in favor of of the constitution of South Africa. At the time, the media ignored this, and it was soon considered “old news.” But, now, upon learning of CT and CRT, I am convinced that its adherents have the power to undermine our Constitution from within.

Therefore, I come to the conclusion that those who claim they want racial equality and social justice are lying.

What they are really working toward is Racial Political Supremacy through the subversive implementation of Socialism in America. And, socially-guilt-ridden Progressive Whites are their willing conspirators.

Ironically, theirs is a racist, totalitarian ideology because it broaches no dissent, employs any means necessary to achieve its ends, and which is predicated on the belief that whites are inherently oppressive and evil. This ideology suggests that blacks, by virtue of their enslavement by whites, are morally superior to whites. And, since there was slavery at the time of our nation’s founding, the validity of our Constitution is automatically negated.

To these radical proponents of CRT, Social Justice, therefore, will only be possible if the Constitution is replaced, and if minorities assume control of government. If the views and voice of whites in government and in society are severely curtailed in the process, well, so much the better for their new society.

Of course, this is just my theory.

But, consider this: Why does Attorney General Holder refuse to prosecute criminals in certain cases, specifically because the perpetrators are black? And, just as disturbing, why does Obama want a Civilian Security Force as well funded, and as powerful as our military? Exactly what does he want with such a force?

I Am Breitbart and Breitbart is Here

Andrew Breitbart died last week. But, his mission lives on in many of us who love America and who are fighting to keep the Progressives from destroying Her. So, while he has passed, Breitbart is still very much here.

The purpose of this blog will be to research and present facts about various agenda that are in motion; agenda which are undermining and destroying this great nation.

In the process, I hope to expose the Enemy Within. They are legion and I am but one.

But that’s okay. One patriot is worth a million traitors.

I have decided to undertake this endeavor because I value my freedom and liberties above all else. They must be protected. Not just for me, but for the world and our posterity. Without America, the world will sink into a dark period. And, inasmuch as I am able, I will work toward forestalling the demise of America, Land of the Free.

I haven’t decided which agenda to tackle first. There are so many.